Sguardi - a cura della redazione

26.04.2013 18:28

- Red White. Why a founding father of postwar capitalism spied for the soviets. (Benn Steil, Foreign Affairs, marzo/aprile 2013)

- Getting the GOP's groove back. How to bridge the Republican foreign policy divide. (Bret Stephens, Foreign Affairs, marzo/aprile 2013)

- A light in the forest. Brazil's fight to save the Amazon and climate-change diplomacy. (Jeff Tollefson, Foreign Affairs, marzo/aprile 2013)

- Own the goals. What the Millenium Development Goals have accomplished. (John W. McArthur, Foreign Affairs, marzo/aprile 2013)

- Israel's warlords. How the military rules in war and peace. (Aluf Benn, Foreign Affairs, marzo/aprile 2013)

- Castelereagh's catechism. A statesman's guide to building a new concert of Europe. (Brendan Simms, Foreign Affairs, marzo/aprile 2013)

- Outgunned ? A debate over the Shifting global arms market. (Autori vari, Foreign Affairs, marzo/aprile 2013)



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